Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Better life. Jim Rohn
Living an exceptional life

Jim Rohn offers some advice based on his own experience. He dropped out of college at the age of 19 and changed his philosophy of life at the age of 25 thanks to his friend that allowed him to join to his company.

Jim expresses that the 21th century is the best considering that everything is so easy; for example, there are airplanes and other means of communication. Moreover, this century provides many opportunities and competition. He provides some advice to be successful in life:
1.    You need more than one skill. Jim tells people to always find customers and good people to work together.
2.    It is better to learn more than one language. It would add an extra million to your fortune. Give this as a gift to your children.
3.    Learn the simple economic formula that works for everybody. You get paid for bringing value to the market place. You should engage in activities that make yourself better.

Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person
Five fundamentals would increase your value. They are related to how you thing, feel and do things in your everyday lives.
1.    Personal philosophy: How to feel about the past. Your philosophy has to be related with a change of mind. Your experiences help you to minimize dangers and maximize opportunities by learning to do things right from doing things wrong the first time.
2.    Attitude: How you feel about the future. You should learn of your mistakes and use them as forward inspiration. Set goals; put everything on your list: write all the things you want to do in the future.
3.    Activity: Jims reminds you to imagine all the possibilities. Imagination and faith have to be deposited in activity or it is wasted. Go to work and build a career.
4.    Results: Jim advices to learn to measure progress. Success is a numbers game, so you should learn a new concept each year.
5.    Lifestyle: you should learn to live well. The ultimate essence of life is learning to live a good life.
  •  Productivity
  • Good friends
  • Your heritage
  • Spirituality
  • Take special care of the inner circle (family, close friends)

Living an exceptional life

People always try to be successful in life. Therefore, people read books, watch movies, and go to talks that teach about success. However, success can be hard to achieve due to unexpected issues that can occur. Many times people can have large knowledge, experiences in many different situations, and moral support from love ones. But, humans cannot control external situations like the loss of love ones, natural disasters, and diseases, which can limit the success of a person in one way or another. There is no one secret formula for success.

People are not perfect, but they try not to make mistakes. Nevertheless, in many times people make mistakes, and the best they can do is to learn from them and move on. Learning from mistakes, and getting up from them can be hard. After people fail in something, they just focused on what they did wrong, but in many times, they do not think what they could have done better.

Change Your LifeSuccess is about the attitude of the person, and nothing else, because everything comes from the persons attitude. If one is positive, the person will try to get educated, to meet successful people, to be productive, and to balance social life with work. In the other hand, if one is negative, the person will get stuck after a failure, they will not try enough to build the network, to get more knowledge, and they will follow conformity most of the times.

Nowadays, in the 21st Century, people can take advantage of new technology to get more information about current events, keep communicated with friends, and learn about new cultures. Nonetheless, people have to be careful with technology, because it can make people slaves of social networks, and lazy when doing certain tasks. For example, a student in high school that do not go to the library anymore, instead the student search in the internet.

In conclusion, to live an exceptional life, one can do specific things to try to be successful. Nevertheless, doing these things do not guarantee that one will be successful, because every situation is different, and there are external factors that harms success. There is no magic formula for everybody to have an exceptional life, because the term success is very subjective, and is not measurable. Thus, every person can consider success differently, and for everybody the achievement of success has more or less value than others. However, the most important things are to get up after a failure and keep trying numberless times; to be positive; to maintain the love ones close; and to be perseverant in all situations.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Exercise W44
1. There are different opinions whether apes can communicate or not. Since these animals do not have an apparatus for talking as humans beings, they look for other means to communicate.
According to the reading, apes have the ability to understand language at a very minimum level, just as a little child can use linguistic responses. However, the lecture indicates that there is not enough research that shows that apes can communicate since the use of language has to be creatively and has to be able to take turns in conversation.
The reading suggests that koko, a lowland gorilla, has showed to differentiate between many sounds. In the same way, a male companion of koko´s also learned to discriminate them. Moreover, a study indicates that an adult chimpanzee can use keyboard of symbols, even better than a young child. The lecture mentions that people skeptical of ape communication say believers are blinded by attachments.
Finally, the lecture expresses that it is necessary to make a brain scan so the dispute generated about the ability of apes to communicate might be solved.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The best teacher is one who is very knowledgeable about the subject matter

There are many characteristics teachers should have to do their job well. It is important for teachers to master the subject matter since they are responsible for the education they are given to others. As a result, they have to study permanently since everything changes constantly. Without a doubt, the best teacher is the one who is very knowledgeable about the subject matter for many reasons. 

Teacher Development

It is easy for students to understand about a subject matter if the teacher knows every aspect of it. For example, once I asked a teacher some definitions related to the topic he was explaining that he could not answer. As a result, I barely understand the subject matter and I got confused when I took the exam.
A teacher who is very knowledgeable about the subject matter gives the students the opportunity to learn more about it. A teacher who is well-educated in the subject teaches the students not only the basic about it but also details concerning a topic that enriches the student’s education. For instance, a teacher can give examples and updated information about a matter so students could take advantage of all that knowledge.

Knowledgeable teachers motivate the students to study and learn more by themselves. They inspired the students to look up for more information about the topic and to study permanently because they want the students to learn the best way. Since teachers know about the topic, they encourage the students to learn as much as possible to master the subject as they do.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why the best teacher is the one who is very knowledgeable in the subject matter. Students can have the opportunity to learn widely about a topic and being encouraged to learn more at home. No matter the topic students are learning, having a teacher that masters the theory of it will guarantee a good education for them. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Is it ever all right to cheat? To lie?

Most parents teach their children that lying is always wrong and that it causes problems. Nevertheless, when a person becomes a teenager, he or she realizes that telling the truth is not always the best option. Although in most situations it is better to tell the truth than to lie, telling the truth all the time is almost impossible. There are a few situations when telling lies leads to more good than bad.

It is good to tell lies when a person is not safe and scape danger that way. For example, in El Salvador, a small country of Central America, many people tell lies when an unknown person calls at home asking for personal information. By giving fake names, phone numbers, addresses and so on, people can protect themselves from kidnaps and extortions.

Sometimes it is better to lie to protect other´s people health. In some cases, people not tell the truth to their relatives about an illness they may be facing so that they feel healthy emotionally. For example, a friend of mine decided not to tell his father about the cancer he had. As a result, her father did not get depressed and this helped him to improve his health a lot.

Telling lies is good when a person cares for other´s people feelings. For instance, parents lie when telling their children that Santa Claus brought the presents under the Christmas tree. In this situation, parents worry that eventually they will have to break the news to their children. However, in most cases children realize by themselves that Santa does not exist. That is why lying about Santa is good for protecting the children´s feelings.

To conclude, lying is something that has to be done depending on the situation. There are some exceptions in which lying has more good than bad, sometimes because a person is escaping danger, or maybe a person is protecting other´s people feelings or health. However, in most cases telling the truth will be the best option.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

"Sometimes people don´t feel well because they don´t want to"

Some people are always complaining about their health. One of the most common phrases is “I do not feel well”. However, many illnesses are made up in people´s mind, That means that they really do not have a physical sickness. Following this further, there are many reasons why people act as if they feel bad by inventing medical problems.

When somebody is constantly seeking attention and pretending to be a wounded victim, is it best to ignore them or give them the undeserved attention they are seeking with the thirst of a raging alcoholic looking for the cooking sherry?Some people behave as if they do not feel well because of an inner need to be seen as ill or injured. For example, these people pretend to have a physical illness such as a stomachache, a headache and so on, in order to get special attention. As a result, other people try to help them by providing pills and treatments that are totally unnecessary. 

Other people make up medical problems looking for practical benefits. For example, getting out of work by calling in sick has become very popular all over the world. Also, there are some people who want to avoid a lawsuit or an incarceration by faking a serious disease. As a result, these people convince themselves that they have an illness in order to make believe other people the same so they can benefit from it.

Inventing medical problems is very frequent when a person has low self-esteem. These people do so because they are looking for excuses to avoid socializing with others. Moreover, they want to consume medications in order to feel better emotionally. For instance, there are some people that have the need to ingest medicine not to solve a physical illness but a psychological problem related to poor self-esteem.

In conclusion, some people can make believe that they do not feel well for a variety of reasons. No matter the reason the person has, it is important to look for professional help. These people have the option to take psychological therapies to prevent that those inventing illnesses affect many aspects of their lives.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Parents should try to instill their beliefs about religion in their children

When a person becomes a parent, he or she has to assume all the responsibilities that come with it. Since parents have the right to decide how their children will be raised, they are the main responsible for their children´s education, including the teaching of religion. Following this further, parents should try to instill their beliefs about religion in their children for many reasons.

Children should be taught by their parents about religion so they can learn to have good behavior. They will behave appropriately since most of the religions teach values and good principles to people. Certainly, if children are led in religion by their parents, they will learn to differentiate between right and wrong from their very beginning of their life.

The best time to teach children about God is in their early days. It is important for a family to have a God to teach them and to guide them in their lives, no matter which religion they choose. For this reason, parents should instill their beliefs about God in their children so they can learn to love and respect him. As a result, children will get an early impression that one of the most important people in the world is God, their creator.

Parents that do no instill their beliefs about religion in their children are letting other people do that important job that should be done by them. Since children are exposed to all sorts of faith, they will probably choose a religion based on the influence of someone else. This can lead the children not to make the best decision in their lives, considering that parents want the best for them.

In conclusion, parents are the first educators in their children in all aspects of life. Without a doubt, religion should be taught by parents in the early years of their children. This is one of the most important jobs of being a parent that should not be underestimated for all the reasons indicated above.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Progress does not make us lazy!
Progress has always been the main goal in a society. People focus on being better in terms of science, technology, modernization, quality of life, and so forth. Progress has become an essential part for getting an easier life. However, that does not mean that people become lazy. Progress has many advantages that should be pointed out.

Nowadays, cell phones have become popular all over the world since they are very useful. For example, a person can communicate with their family and friends not matter where they are. In today´s world, just by sending a message or making a call a person can be in touch with others. Moreover, these devices assist people in business as they can organize their schedules, surf on the internet and contact their costumers easily.

The internet is one of the most important tools in the business field for its functions.The internet has a lot to offer in terms of services. For instance, people can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utilities bills, buy and sell things. Also, some companies have created business websites that allow clients to review information about the company and its products before making a purchase.

Technological advances have contributed in reducing the physical labor. Many studies have showed that people who have high-physical-job demands have more probabilities of suffering from heart diseases than those people who have other types of jobs. The progress in technology has helped people on having better conditions in their jobs. Since technology has to be controlled by someone, employments are always available to people.

In conclusion, progress has many advantages that should be taken into consideration, such as having an easy communication system and getting better jobs. Since advances in modernization, technology and science come with greater responsibilities, people should focus on assuming all the responsibilities advances can bring, instead of thinking that progress makes people lazy.