Better life. Jim Rohn
Living an exceptional life
Rohn offers some advice based on his own experience. He dropped out of college
at the age of 19 and changed his philosophy of life at the age of 25 thanks to
his friend that allowed him to join to his company.
expresses that the 21th century is the best considering that everything is so easy;
for example, there are airplanes and other means of communication. Moreover,
this century provides many opportunities and competition. He provides some
advice to be successful in life:
You need more than one skill. Jim tells people to always find customers
and good people to work together.
It is better to learn more than one language. It would add an extra
million to your fortune. Give this as a gift to your children.
Learn the simple economic formula that works for everybody. You get paid
for bringing value to the market place. You should engage in activities that
make yourself better.
“Success is
something you attract by becoming an attractive person”
fundamentals would increase your value. They are related to how you thing, feel
and do things in your everyday lives.
Attitude: How you feel about the future. You should learn of your
mistakes and use them as forward inspiration. Set goals; put everything on your
list: write all the things you want to do in the future.
Activity: Jims reminds you to imagine all the possibilities. Imagination
and faith have to be deposited in activity or it is wasted. Go to work and
build a career.
Results: Jim advices to learn to measure progress. Success is a numbers
game, so you should learn a new concept each year.
5. Lifestyle: you should learn to live well. The
ultimate essence of life is learning to live a good life.
- Productivity
- Good friends
- Your heritage
- Spirituality
- Take special care of the inner circle (family, close friends)
an exceptional life
People are not perfect,
but they try not to make mistakes. Nevertheless, in many times people make
mistakes, and the best they can do is to learn from them and move on. Learning
from mistakes, and getting up from them can be hard. After people fail in
something, they just focused on what they did wrong, but in many times, they do
not think what they could have done better.
Nowadays, in the 21st
Century, people can take advantage of new technology to get more information
about current events, keep communicated with friends, and learn about new
cultures. Nonetheless, people have to be careful with technology, because it
can make people slaves of social networks, and lazy when doing certain tasks.
For example, a student in high school that do not go to the library anymore,
instead the student search in the internet.