Thursday, November 20, 2014

"Sometimes people don´t feel well because they don´t want to"

Some people are always complaining about their health. One of the most common phrases is “I do not feel well”. However, many illnesses are made up in people´s mind, That means that they really do not have a physical sickness. Following this further, there are many reasons why people act as if they feel bad by inventing medical problems.

When somebody is constantly seeking attention and pretending to be a wounded victim, is it best to ignore them or give them the undeserved attention they are seeking with the thirst of a raging alcoholic looking for the cooking sherry?Some people behave as if they do not feel well because of an inner need to be seen as ill or injured. For example, these people pretend to have a physical illness such as a stomachache, a headache and so on, in order to get special attention. As a result, other people try to help them by providing pills and treatments that are totally unnecessary. 

Other people make up medical problems looking for practical benefits. For example, getting out of work by calling in sick has become very popular all over the world. Also, there are some people who want to avoid a lawsuit or an incarceration by faking a serious disease. As a result, these people convince themselves that they have an illness in order to make believe other people the same so they can benefit from it.

Inventing medical problems is very frequent when a person has low self-esteem. These people do so because they are looking for excuses to avoid socializing with others. Moreover, they want to consume medications in order to feel better emotionally. For instance, there are some people that have the need to ingest medicine not to solve a physical illness but a psychological problem related to poor self-esteem.

In conclusion, some people can make believe that they do not feel well for a variety of reasons. No matter the reason the person has, it is important to look for professional help. These people have the option to take psychological therapies to prevent that those inventing illnesses affect many aspects of their lives.


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