Thursday, December 4, 2014

The best teacher is one who is very knowledgeable about the subject matter

There are many characteristics teachers should have to do their job well. It is important for teachers to master the subject matter since they are responsible for the education they are given to others. As a result, they have to study permanently since everything changes constantly. Without a doubt, the best teacher is the one who is very knowledgeable about the subject matter for many reasons. 

Teacher Development

It is easy for students to understand about a subject matter if the teacher knows every aspect of it. For example, once I asked a teacher some definitions related to the topic he was explaining that he could not answer. As a result, I barely understand the subject matter and I got confused when I took the exam.
A teacher who is very knowledgeable about the subject matter gives the students the opportunity to learn more about it. A teacher who is well-educated in the subject teaches the students not only the basic about it but also details concerning a topic that enriches the student’s education. For instance, a teacher can give examples and updated information about a matter so students could take advantage of all that knowledge.

Knowledgeable teachers motivate the students to study and learn more by themselves. They inspired the students to look up for more information about the topic and to study permanently because they want the students to learn the best way. Since teachers know about the topic, they encourage the students to learn as much as possible to master the subject as they do.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why the best teacher is the one who is very knowledgeable in the subject matter. Students can have the opportunity to learn widely about a topic and being encouraged to learn more at home. No matter the topic students are learning, having a teacher that masters the theory of it will guarantee a good education for them. 

1 comment:

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