Thursday, November 6, 2014

Progress does not make us lazy!
Progress has always been the main goal in a society. People focus on being better in terms of science, technology, modernization, quality of life, and so forth. Progress has become an essential part for getting an easier life. However, that does not mean that people become lazy. Progress has many advantages that should be pointed out.

Nowadays, cell phones have become popular all over the world since they are very useful. For example, a person can communicate with their family and friends not matter where they are. In today´s world, just by sending a message or making a call a person can be in touch with others. Moreover, these devices assist people in business as they can organize their schedules, surf on the internet and contact their costumers easily.

The internet is one of the most important tools in the business field for its functions.The internet has a lot to offer in terms of services. For instance, people can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utilities bills, buy and sell things. Also, some companies have created business websites that allow clients to review information about the company and its products before making a purchase.

Technological advances have contributed in reducing the physical labor. Many studies have showed that people who have high-physical-job demands have more probabilities of suffering from heart diseases than those people who have other types of jobs. The progress in technology has helped people on having better conditions in their jobs. Since technology has to be controlled by someone, employments are always available to people.

In conclusion, progress has many advantages that should be taken into consideration, such as having an easy communication system and getting better jobs. Since advances in modernization, technology and science come with greater responsibilities, people should focus on assuming all the responsibilities advances can bring, instead of thinking that progress makes people lazy.

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